Please find below the link for the results from yesterday's IC15 TT: results_12june2016.pdf
Good going everyone, with all who posted a time contributing towards the points scored on the day. Hope the DNS / DNFs are OK and have better luck next time
....which brings us to the next event on Sunday 26th, with entries needed this time by this Sunday (ie a week in advance) to give the organisers time to get things sorted out
The 30 will follow the same format as in previous years; HQ is Southill Village Hall, First rider off at 08:01 Course: route/76637 - and I'm sure those of us who did it last year will remember it well
As you'll once again see, everyone who represents the club makes a valuable contribution as we try to move ourselves up the order against our rivals
we have a minimum of 16 places guaranteed so hope to see you all there..