Coming into the Chronos RT 2-up race myself and Ady's expectations were not that high as I'd just come back from holiday and Ady had not been that well in the week, but as we had paid we thought we would just race it and see what happened.
2-ups are great racing and you really feel like you are a team on top of riding for the club as well, though if you asked Adrian at the end I'm not sure he would agree!
Ade & Richard flat out - photo courtesy of Davey Jones
I led us out for the first 30 second stint and as we turned down onto the dual carriageway the wind hit us square on in the face which we knew it would. I had already said to Adrian that we needed to push 100% into the wind as in my opinion that's where the race is decided as most people can ride fast in a tail wind but few can ride fast into a head wind!
So we pushed hard hitting 27s in places on the way out in places though in hindsight this was probably a bit to much as Ady had not been well and suffered a bit... However coming out of the turn and with the wind behind us I saw that the 2 young Windymilla sponsored riders behind us were at best only level with us and maybe behind despite our combined age of 92!
Game on and I felt really strong but as the speed started to rise considerably so did the language from behind, mostly in Italian and I suspect aimed at me! - lol as we hit well over 40 mph at one point.
But despite a fantastic effort on Ade's part it was just to much and he struggled to breath properly, a shame as he has come so far this year clocking a 21 minute 10 mile PB on his own. So in the end we came 5th with 21.47, still a 27.54 mph average - so not to shabby.
More races still to come yet and some fast 10s coming up so fingers crossed. Well done to Dave Lindsay as well a great ride from him.
Richard H