Welcome to the Club News. We thought that it would be helpful to publish, when appropriate, a newsletter to let all club members know what is and what has been happening with the Club. Feedback and articles for the future are very welcome.
Some of you may not be aware that St Neots Cycling Club is one of the oldest clubs in the country and over the years the membership numbers have been well over 100 members and whilst we are not at these numbers at present the level of support for the club is increasing and this year we have seen a very encouraging increase in the membership and interest.
Normally after the summer our numbers on the Club Run increase and I look forward to seeing a mass of bikes at the Market Square on Sunday mornings at 8:30 .
Forthcoming Events:
Sunday 25th September
Group 1 and Group 2 Club run. Meet at the Market square, as usual, at 8.30am
Thursday 29th September
Social Evening at the Horseshoes in Offord from 8pm onwards. A chance to meet the person under the helmet and the lycra and enjoy a few drinks. It would be good to see as many of you there that can make it on the 29th.
Sunday 2nd October
Our Annual Hill Climb event held at Staughton Moor. Join us and test yourself against the hill and the time clock. All welcome and the plan is to have the Club Run after the Time Trial. Timings and meeting place to follow
Sunday 9th October
Group 1 and Group 2 Club run. Meet at the Market square, as usual, at 8.30am
Sunday 16th October
The day that we plan to undertake our Annual Hundred Miler / Century Club Run. Final route not yet decided however the intention is to have a lunch stop so if you are planning to join us then expect to be back at the Market Square for about 4.30pm. If you have not done this mileage before then do not be put off. If you have been doing the regular club runs then the step up is certainly achievable. For any ride and more so this one spare inner tubes and a repair kit plus tyre levers are a necessity .
Club News :
Time Trials
Over the spring and summer we had 18 weeks of Time Trials over the 11.2 mile Abbotsley course and this year was one of the best supported with over 30 different riders taking part. Justin Lomas set the fastest times for both the 11.2 mile course and the one off 22.4 mile TT. Congratulations to Adrian Taverna for winning the Handicap trophy for the first time. A more detailed report on the TT season will be available soon on the website.
Kit order
We sent off an order in excess of £2,000 for St Neots Cycling Club kit which again is a very encouraging sign of support for the club. We do yet have a delivery date, however we are hopeful that the kit will be here before the weather turns too cold and that will also be a good excuse to get together for a Social Evening to distribute the new kit. We should be ordering kit again around January 2012 for the summer season. So expect to see more of the White and Green of St Neots on the road.
Spinning Classes
Mark Colmer has issued a note asking for potential takers who would be interested in a dedicated St Neots Cycling Club spinning class at Buckden Marina. In the winter when it is sometimes difficult to get the miles in during the week these are a first class option and if you could let Mark know as soon as possible if you are interested that would be helpful.
Bike Maintenance Classes
Bedford Cycling Club has agreed in principle to run these classes on our behalf if we provide a small donation to charity per person. These would likely start in November and be over in Bedford. Again please confirm interest by contacting Mark as above.
Group 1 and Group 2 Club Run Rides
We have been aware for some time that there is a demand for 2 club runs on a Sunday and at present the plan is to have 2 runs on the second and fourth Sunday’s in the month. To date we have had two Group 2 runs which have been well supported and please continue to let friends / colleagues know who are interested in road cycling in a group for the first time or who want to get back into road cycling.
Higham Ferrers Chain Gang
A few dedicated souls have been testing themselves on a Wednesday evening along the B645 from St Neots to the roundabout on the A6 at Higham Ferrers and back as a training run. 6pm start from the Market Square until it gets too dark.
Buckden Old Boys
For those who can get out in mid week why not join the 3 BOB’s who live in Buckden but are happy to meet en route anyone from St Neots. Typically do 30 / 35 miles with a start time between 9am and 10 am. Watch the blog for Dates and Times or contact Mark.
Membership Subs
The membership year runs from January to December and the cost is £15. If you join mid year we are very happy to accept £7.50 as a subscription. The subs help us cover the costs of Insurance. Join after October and we will waive this year’s subscription. If you have not paid then please bring a cheque payable to St Neots Cycling Club the next time that you are on Club Run or to the Social Evening.
Club Badge
The Club Badge (see above and on the attachment) is an intricate pattern with a distinctive style that you may notice on some of the older club member’s jerseys and jackets. There is a small display of the club in the St Neots Museum and the attachment was courtesy of the curator. We are looking into using the badge for inclusion on new Club T shirts and may possibly have a sample for the Social Evening on the 29th.
It would be good to hear from you if you are taking part in any sportives or you hear of any that might be of interest to other club members.
Items for Sale
We have almost 60 on the growing email distribution list and if you do have any bike related items for sale why not consider using the website or this email address with the details.